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The Miseducation of Cameron Post, by Emily M. Danforth
Télécharger Ebook The Miseducation of Cameron Post, by Emily M. Danforth
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 480 pages
Editeur : Penguin Books Ltd (3 août 2017)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 0141389168
ISBN-13: 978-0141389165
Dimensions du produit:
12,9 x 2,9 x 19,8 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
4.2 étoiles sur 5
4 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
384.029 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
Tout d'abord le premier livre est arrivé endommagé et Amazon a tout de suite répondu à ma demande d'échange en m'envoyant tout simplement un autre exemplaire.Ensuite ce livre m'a complètement transportée, j'ai passé un super moment avec lui. Je recommande à 100%.
J'adore le travail de Désirée, mais le livre reste mieux que le film! A lire
Une toute jeune fille oscille entre courant ultra religieux, premiers amours et famille aimante mais bancale. J'ai quitté les personnages à regret et j'aurai aimé les suivre dans leur découverte du monde : "beyond rather than below".
THE MISEDUCATION OF CAMERON POST est une grosse déception. J’aurais tellement aimé adorer ce roman ! Je m’attendais à découvrir une histoire ultra prenante, pleine de surprises, de moments déchirants et qui aborderait des thèmes extrêmement sensibles, touchants et importants. Au final, je n’ai rien eu de tout cela. Rien du tout.Je ne me suis absolument pas attaché à Cameron. Comme tous les autres protagonistes de l’histoire, elle reste assez loin de nous. Aucune de ses émotions, de ses réflexions ou de ses remises en question ne m’a renversé ou un minimum touché.En fait, je crois que j’ai surtout eu un énorme blocage à cause des idées de l’auteure et de sa manière d’envisager les choses. En lisant le résumé, on peut aisément s’attendre à découvrir une héroïne perdue qui va devoir affronter la mort de ses parents, sa nouvelle vie, son homosexualité et le rejet de celle-ci par ses proches. C’est le cas dans le récit, mais d’une manière tellement étrange et superficielle que j’en suis resté bouche bée, en fait. Ça manque de réalité, de profondeur, de sentiments. Les évènements s’enchaînent comme ça, sans vraie continuité ou but, à la fois pour Cameron mais aussi pour l’intrigue. L’héroïne ne change pas plus que ça, ne semble ni révoltée, anéantie ou encore meurtrie par toutes les affreuses épreuves qu’elle traverse. Elle fait un peu la girouette, elle se laisse guider. C’est tellement illogique ! Je n’ai sincèrement pas compris les choix d’Emily M. Danforth.Les autres personnages, comme dit précédemment, n’apportent pas grand-chose de plus au roman. J’ai plutôt bien aimé la grand-mère de Cameron, mais c’est tout. Les amis qu’elle se fait à Promise ne m’ont pas spécialement plu. J’ai trouvé que la partie qui se déroule dans cet endroit partait un peu dans tous les sens. C’était vraiment… Bizarre. Bizarre et incompréhensible, à mes yeux.J’ai apprécié les dernières pages et le fait que le livre se termine sur un thème présent dès le départ. La boucle est bouclée, en quelque sorte. Malgré tout, la conclusion est ultra ouverte et ne me satisfait que partiellement. Il reste énormément de questions sans réponse.En résumé, et ma chronique le souligne totalement je pense, THE MISEDUCATION OF CAMERON POST est un roman qui m’a pris au dépourvu et qui me laisse dans une confusion totale. Je suis déçu, frustré et reste sur ma faim à bien des niveaux. Cameron nous laisse indifférent, l’auteure emprunte des chemins curieux à bien des reprises et notre lecture nous semble plutôt fade et insipide. J’espère de tout cœur que vous apprécierez plus cette histoire que moi.
C. S. Lewis once observed, "Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive". This book is a deeply moving coming of age story about a young woman struggling to understand and accept herself and her family's inability to allow her to do so. Cameron takes us on her hero's journey of sorts as she tells us about her life and struggles as a young lesbian woman living in rural Montana in the early 1990's. To her credit Ms Danforth does not cast the Christians in this story as mean cold-hearted bigots seeking to destroy gay people (although sadly, there is no shortage of such people in the world). Instead she presents them as people who genuinely care about Cameron and who operate from a sincere belief that they are working for her own good and that of her fellow "disciples" at Promise. She also illustrates the disastrous and harmful outcomes than can result from trying to force people to be who they are not. This is a book I wish many Christians so immovably opposed to accepting LGBTQ people as being who we are rather than some confused souls who are trapped in sin or "rebellion" against god, and that by choice.
READ THIS BOOK. I don't really know what to say about this book, except that I did not go into it with high hopes but I had a hard time putting it down and read it in a matter of hours.From the booklist review, anyone reading this should know at least the major plot points, but I apologize in advance if this review contains any spoilers.The book starts off with a punch to the gut, and immediately drags you into the rich and compelling story of Cameron Post. The night Cam kisses her best friend for the first time, her parents are killed in an accident. Understandably, Cam links those two events in her mind and is wracked with guilt and shame over her attraction to other girls, and tries to suppress it, but she can't. When she and her best friend fall in love, they are able to keep their relationship a secret until being discovered by the best friend's brother. Cam's Aunt Ruth then ships her off to a religious conversion camp to "pray away the gay".Cam's story is one of love, loss, confusion, religion, and healing, all bundled together. Danforth has a compelling way of weaving words that draws you in and creates an impact on the reader. The realities of growing up LGBT in a strict religious family are well fleshed out in the novel, through Cam's relationship with Aunt Ruth and the leaders and counselors at the conversion camp Promise, as well as in Cam's own internal struggle between what her fundamentalist religious community tells her and what she knows to be true.
This was an unbelievably good book. Engaging me as few others have in years, I have a new title to add to my list of most influential YA books.Intersectional, nuanced, realistic, poetic, crisp, and beautifully written, this book has it all. I have too many feelings to criticise it right now, though a hint of Cameron 's future would have been nice. I guess maybe the author could have been harsher on the evangelicals, but the book has a focus on compassion.Wise and pure and wonderful, this is perfect for anyone trying to understand queer people or teenagers, or even just find something good in life or themselves. It also beats the daylights out of John Green's work. There are no cheap jokes or held punches here: just art, truth, and beauty.
I did not come across The Miseducation of Cameron Post until there was a controversy of the book being banned from a high school reading list for incoming ninth graders. Being a college student and English major, it immediately piqued my interest as to what all the commotion was. It was to the extent that the author of the book, Emily M Danforth, even came forth to make a statement. When that happened, I knew I had to read this book so I came to Amazon and placed an order right away. I have personally never read an LGBTQ novel before so I was apprehensive. I read the back and one of the first things it states is that her parents die when hours earlier she was kissing a girl. I hadn’t even cracked open the front cover and immediately the plot already had a twist. This book was already intimidating being almost 500 pages. However, once I started reading it, it was hard to put down. I took this book everywhere with me as I followed Cameron Post through her trials and tribulations of trying to be a lesbian who was also a part of the youth group in a conservative town until her eventual “punishment†of being sent away to a gay-away camp.Danforth’s descriptions of the setting and characters really contribute to a visual and sensory experience for the reader. You will feel like you are right there with Cameron Post. What did disappoint me is the lack of closure between the characters and the ending. I wish we had found out what happened to Irene – Cameron’s first kiss – and Coley – Cameron’s first sexual experiences. We see the journey Cameron goes through only to be robbed of what happened to the girls who put her in compromising situations. I did enjoy Cameron’s inner conflicts about her sexuality and realizing that boys – Jamie – aren’t for her. It gave such a great perspective on homosexuality and coming out. The end just felt like a dead end, I won’t spoil it, but it feels stagnant rather than satisfying. You’ll have to see for yourself. I recommend this book to any and everyone in the end. Prepare yourself for an emotional rollercoaster. I also recommend you carry a box of tissues with you for the darker moments in the book and try not to punch any walls when it feels like all the odds are against Cameron. The author should truly be praised for writing such a thought provoking and moving piece of literature.
The first half of the book was very good, but it was just starting to feel a bit long when...the second half begins, and it explodes like a bomb (in a good way). So, if anything, I wish the 1st half had been trimmed, and the 2nd half extended, especially since the ending, although satisfying, is also a cliff-hanger. I just hope that, as with most cliff-hangers, it leads to a sequel. In any event, if you read this and start feeling like it is getting a bit long...please keep reading, it is worth it.
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